World Heart Day – In Collaboration With Habib Oil Mills
A healthy heart is the key to a healthy life. On #WorldHeartDay, in collaboration with Habib Oil Mills and the University Of Lahore (UOL), we arranged an exclusive celebration of what is a tremendously special occasion for us and all our supporters. It is a day where we tell everyone to always put their hearts first and take measures to prevent or overcome cardiovascular diseases, especially Congenital Heart Disease (CHD).
Supporting organizations such as ours is crucial towards ensuring a brighter future for deserving and needful children suffering from CHD, the world’s most common birth defect. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came to the event held at the construction site of our dream project, Pakistan’s first dedicated Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute (CHHRI). From donors to directors, and from doctors to patients, we are immensely grateful.
Especially, Mr. Misbah Ul Haq – legendary Pakistani cricketer & PCHF Board Member, Mr. Awais Raoof – Chairman Board Of Governors (BOG) UOL, Mr. Farhan Ahmad – Volunteer CEO PCHF, and Mr. Mudasser Amin – National Sales Operations Manager Habib Oil Mills, for their immense generosity and contribution to our cause, which is to ensure that not a single child born with CHD in Pakistan remains untreated.
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #MySecondInnings
#CHD #CHDAwareness #ConqueringCHD #1in100
#Hero4HeartKids #CHDCare4Life #ACHD
#Cardiology #Cardiovascular #Pediatric