In Islam, many acts can lead to innumerable rewards both today and in the Hereafter, commonly known as Sadqa-e-Jaria. The article discusses how Sadqa-e-Jaria helps us to hold on to hope in Ramadan.
The literal meaning of Sadqa-e-Jaria is ‘continuous, flowing charity’. An act of giving in a way that keeps on giving. For example, if you were to take a position in planting a tree, that tree would then continue to supply shelter for as long as it stands. Likewise, it is Sadqa to give someone a glass of water, build a mosque, school, or hospital, meaning you shall receive an ongoing reward for as long as it stands, too.
Moreover, you will continue to earn rewards for Sadqa-e-Jaria for as long as people will benefit from it. The rewards are greatest if we invest our money in our Hereafter, not only for today but for long after we have passed away.
[صحیح مسلم]
“Take from their wealth so that you might purify and sanctify them.”
The above-mentioned Hadith is such a great example of Allah’s generosity towards his people. Allah rewards us on multiple occasions for doing one good deed.
Endless gifts of hope from Allah.
How does Sadqa-e-Jaria help us hold on to hope?
Life is short as our time is limited on this earth.
A third of each day is spent sleeping and a third of each day working, including eating, running errands, commuting, and just sitting down to take a breath and relax, we have barely any time left at all. Prayer is a light, charity is proof (of one’s faith). The time for praying, making du’a, or giving charity is so small. In the blink of an eye, our life passes us by.
(Qur’an, 2: 276)
It’s never too late, but some people will ask Allah for more time so that they can spend it on Sadqa and give charity. Sadqa-e-Jaria is so powerful that it will let a person pass away in peace knowing that Allah, the Most Merciful and Generous will give the rewards and has not finished recording his good deeds yet.
Sadqa-e-Jaria allows us to carry on to the present hope. Allah is pleased with us for being hopeful, for having faith in his generosity:
[سنن ترمذی]
“Verily, thinking well about Allah may be a part of the superb worship of Allah.”
A truly valuable and successful investment.
We spend a lot on worldly investments that bring us comfort and pleasure, knowing that we can’t take them with us after we pass away. It is better to invest in the path of Allah and gain rewards in the Hereafter.
[سنن ترمذی]
“Do not be consumed with acquiring property, such you place your hope within the world.”
It is far better and a valuable action to invest in Sadqa-e-Jaria than ‘acquiring property’.
Invest your wealth in the afterlife rather than in this world. Success is defined by earning Allah’s pleasure and not earning any material comfort as Sadqa-e-Jaria is a truly successful investment.
A gift of comfort during grief.
How does Sadqa-e-Jaria help comfort us during grief?
A single good deed can give years of rewards. You can also give as Sadqa-e-Jaria a gorgeous gift to your loved ones, ensuring they need the prospect to earn rewards even in their graves. For example, you can give a copy of the Quran to a person, and whenever that person recites it you gain reward.
We never know when our death has been decreed for us, the Hereafter is everlasting. As today we live, and we never know how long we will enjoy the pleasure of this world, but life in the Hereafter is nothing compared to this world.
We should prepare ourselves for life in the Hereafter. We should continue earning Allah’s rewards by giving Sadqa that continues to benefit others. Sadqa can be given in many ways by building schools, mosques and water wells. Allah has blessed us with wealth, let us not delay to give for the sole pleasure of Allah.
Share the blessings.
Sharing and spreading knowledge is a great deed. Knowledge is a treasure that increases by sharing it with others. Every time a person benefits from such religious material i.e. Quran given by others as a Sadqa-e-Jaria, he/she earns a great reward from Allah.
[صحیح مسلم]
The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a gift like one who did it.”