News & Media
Visit: Mr. Arif Malik (Canada)
An AI and ML strategist who resides in Burlington (Ontario, Canada), Mr. Arif Malik, paid us a visit today. He is also a Data Management and Power BI competency leader, speaker and podcaster. Our Volunteer CEO, Mr. Farhan Ahmad, was pleased to discuss our cause with such a multi-talented individual and show him the construction site of our flagship project. We thank him wholeheartedly for coming over and were delighted to give him the opportunity to witness firsthand the work we are doing on the journey to conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Pakistan.
#MisbahUlHaq #MySecondInnings #Misbah
#PCHF #CHHRI #Donate #Charity #Zakat
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #CHD
#ConqueringCHD #CHDAwareness