CHD Awareness Session: Qarshi Foundation Senior Management
Today, we had the opportunity to enlighten the senior management at Qarshi Foundation, including their CEO, Mr. Adeel Saeed Mir, on our cause. Our Volunteer CEO, Mr. Farhan Ahmad, and dedicated team members, had an in-depth discussion with them in which possible collaborations were addressed.
With their aim of providing better healthcare services to those in need falling in line with our mission, united we will be able to shape a brighter future for children suffering from Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Pakistan.
With the Qarshi Foundation team committed to strengthening relationships with strategic partners, exploring the link between a mother’s nutrition and CHD is of particular interest to us collectively. Something groundbreaking could be brewing!
#MisbahUlHaq #MySecondInnings #Misbah
#PCHF #CHHRI #Donate #Charity #Zakat
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #CHD
#ConqueringCHD #CHDAwareness