News & Media
Visit: Mr. Farhan Khan, Tech Lead Manager at Google in Los Altos, California, USA
It’s always a pleasure to have someone who has been associated with our cause come visit us for the first time. Today, we were delighted to host Mr. Farhan Khan, Tech Lead Manager at Google in Los Altos, California, USA. Our Volunteer CEO, Mr. Farhan Ahmad, and dedicated team members were all pleased to discuss the work we are doing to tackle Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) challenges in our country and show him the progress of our flagship project, Pakistan’s first dedicated Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute (CHHRI). #MySecondInnings #Misbah
#PCHF #CHHRI #Donate #Charity #Zakat
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #CHD
#ConqueringCHD #CHDAwareness