Visit: Ms. Sabahat Rafiq – President & CEO Lampro Mellon, Mr. Mir Maaz Mahmood – VP Strategic Alliances & Business Development
When distinguished individuals join our journey to conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD), not only is it a tremendous honour, but a true blessing, both for us and the countless families depending on us to ease the anguish caused by this potentially fatal disease.
We are immensely delighted to now have Ms. Sabahat Rafiq – President & CEO at Lampro Mellon, a global SoC (System on Chip) design and verification services company with an impeccable engineering pedigree and leadership from across the world, alongside us on our mission.
Our Volunteer CEO, Mr. Farhan Ahmad, was pleased to welcome both her and Mr. Mir Maaz Mahmood – VP Strategic Alliances & Business Development at Lampro Mellon. Together, along with discussing our vision in great detail, they paid a visit to our rapidly progressing hospital construction site.
Through her extensive outreach in the USA, Ms. Sabahat will be furthering our cause by helping our fundraising initiatives there, strengthening a bond with a country we receive generous contributions from.
Being an expert in Shariah-compliant investment banking and a consultant to reputable Middle Eastern financial institutions and Pakistani Islamic banks, she has key experience consulting with local venture capitalists, assisting them in building bridges between the US and the Middle Eastern financial markets. She also founded a successful textile-trading house in the state of Oregon and is on the board of the Islamic Network Group (ING), a peace-building organization based in California.
When it comes to our goal, which is to ensure that not a single child born with CHD in Pakistan remains untreated, we need you, our phenomenal supporters, to spread the word so that more exceptional people, who can help us shape a brighter future for families affected by CHD – the world’s most common birth defect, are inspired to join us.
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #MySecondInnings
#CHD #CHDAwareness #ConqueringCHD #1in100
#Hero4HeartKids #CHDCare4Life #ACHD
#Cardiology #Cardiovascular #Pediatric