CHD Warriors Day – Surviving Into A Brighter Future
Today, we hosted a truly memorable event dedicated to Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Warriors, ‘CHD Warriors Day – Surviving Into A Brighter Future’. Sponsored by SpoFit and held at the University Of Lahore, the event was attended by families that have overcome CHD and our entire team including Volunteer CEO – Mr. Farhan Ahmad, Director – Mr. Mujtaba Bhatti, and someone we are especially thankful to for coming, one of our Brand Ambassadors, Mr. Usman Peerzada. We share a profound connection with all our patients and their families, and hope that those who came cherish the memories we created today.
We are grateful beyond measure to Mr. Awais Raoof, Chairman UOL, for attending and also to Hazrat Molana Fazal ur Raheem and Dr. Muhammad Amjad Saqib, Founder and Executive Director of Akhuwat, for gracing the joyous occasion as Guests of Honour and for imparting such pertinent words of wisdom. Together, may we continue shaping a brighter future for children with CHD and inspiring others to join us on our journey.
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#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #CHD
#ConqueringCHD #CHDAwareness