A Seminar On ‘Zakat – To Build A Brighter Future’
Our seminar on ‘Zakat – To Build A Brighter Future’ was a truly enlightening experience with Guest Speaker, Prof. Molana Yousaf Khan, a teacher of Hadith in Jamia Ashrafia Lahore. It highlighted the importance of Zakat, philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
We are grateful beyond measure to everyone who attended, including PCHF Board Members, Directors, longstanding supporters and our Volunteer CEO, Mr. Farhan Ahmad. Spofit International, a heartfelt thank you for being alongside us on our jourey to conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Pakistan, especially for the continuous support towards our events.
Lastly, to all our team members, your dedication and energy must be appreciated. Together, may we continue to achieve our goals and take PCHF to greater heights.
#MisbahUlHaq #MySecondInnings #Misbah
#CHD #ConqueringCHD #CHDAwareness
#PCHF #Donate #Charity #Zakat