Your Donations Saved Abdul’s Life
The life of not only 9-year-old Abdul, but the lives of all his loved ones affected by Congenital Heart Disease (CHD), have now been revitalized thanks to your generous donations.
Legendary Pakistani cricketer, Misbah Ul Haq, is also alongside us on the journey to conquering CHD in Pakistan, by helping build the nation’s first dedicated, state-of-the-art Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute (CHHRI), as a PCHF Board Member.
You can also join us and donate towards children’s heart surgeries or hospital construction at:
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #MySecondInnings
#CHD #CHDAwareness #ConqueringCHD #1in100
#Hero4HeartKids #CHDCare4Life #ACHD
#Cardiology #Cardiovascular #Pediatric