Visit: Dr. Faisal Cheema – Director Research HCA Healthcare From Houston (Texas, USA)
We were delighted beyond measure to have Dr. Faisal Cheema, Director of Research at HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) Healthcare Gulf Coast Division, come visit us with his family all the way from Houston, Texas (USA). We have been immensely fortunate to have such a distinguished doctor, an AKU (Aga Khan University) graduate, alongside us on our mission for years now. A prolific physician- scientist, he specializes in basic sciences, translational and clinical research. Prior to his current appointment, he was the Director of Research & Innovations and Assistant Professor in the Division of Cardiothoracic Transplantation of Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Under his phenomenal leadership, a strong research program was built there.
Dr. Cheema’s phenomenal support has always meant the world to us, and so showing him the tremendous strides we have made on the journey to conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Pakistan was particularly special. Together, being able witness the rapid progress of the construction our landmark project, Pakistan’s first dedicated Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute (CHHRI) was undoubtedly a euphoric moment. He was also extremely pleased to see our Cardiac Care Centre at the University of Lahore Teaching Hospital (ULTH). Overall, he said that having proudly been involved with this organization for several years, what he witnessed during this visit was beyond his imagination.
When it comes to our goal, which is to ensure that not a single child born with CHD in Pakistan remains untreated, we need you, our phenomenal supporters, to continue spreading the word so that more exceptional people or institutions, who can help us shape a brighter future for families affected by CHD, are inspired to join us.
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #MySecondInnings
#CHD #CHDAwareness #ConqueringCHD #1in100
#Hero4HeartKids #CHDCare4Life #ACHD
#Cardiology #Cardiovascular #Pediatric