Success Story: A 1-Year-Old CHD Warrior From Hangu, KPK
This is Maha’s success story, a 1-year-old ‘Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Warrior’. After Maha was born, she suffered from severe infant jaundice. Her family took her to a doctor in Kohat who suspected that Maha might have CHD. He recommended another doctor in Peshawar, and after getting an ecocardioagraphy done, the devastating news was confirmed.
Maha was diagnosed with a CHD called a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD). In VSD, there is a hole in the septum (wall) that separates the two lower ventricles (chambers) of the heart. After initially getting treated in Peshawar with modest results, Maha’s family eventually had to bring her to Lahore.
Maha’s family traveled all the way from their hometown, Hangu in KPK. Her father, a government school teacher with limited resources at his disposal, came to us with high hopes of saving his daughter’s life. Fortunately for him, we were able to readily step in and do what we are best at.
After guiding the whole family about the whole process and the planned treatment, a VSD Closure, we first ensured the arrangement of the required funds. Thanks to our incredible donor base, that was done swiftly.
The surgery was then scheduled at our very own Cardiac Care Centre at the University of Lahore Teaching Hospital (ULTH). Dr. Salman Shah, a renowned Pediatric Cardiac Surgeon and PCHF Medical Advisory Board Member, was to perform the procedure. He is American Board Certified and we are blessed to be associated with an exemplary individual like him.
The entire family had to go through a long and arduous 4-6 hours, as the child underwent heart surgery. After the surgery was complete, little Maha still had to fight through for a few more days in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Her family was terrified during this time.
However, with the prayers of her loved ones, the tremendous care provided by our world-class healthcare professionals, and most importantly, the resilience that Maha had, she was able to defeat a life-threatening disease. The entire family was relieved!
Maha’s family was immensely appreciative and couldn’t be more satisfied with what we managed to achieve. The light of their lives was back, happy and healthy! They wished us all the best on our journey to conquering CHD in Pakistan, and we hope that they can cherish a life full of joy, together.
For CHD affected families, no matter how hard things get, no matter how impossible things may seem, we at PCHF, alongside legendary Pakistani cricketer, Misbah Ul Haq, are here for you.
You can donate towards children’s heart surgeries or hospital construction at:
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