MOU Signing: Diamond Paints
Today marks the beginning of our collaboration with Diamond Paints, the leader among national manufacturers of quality paint and coating products. It is an absolute privilege to now have them alongside us on our journey to conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Pakistan. At the MOU Signing, Ms. Sana Ahmad, Director of Marketing at Diamond Paints, was joined by our Volunteer CEO, Mr. Farhan Ahmad. She was also given the opportunity to witness firsthand the progress of our flagship project, Pakistan’s first dedicated Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute, along with our world-class Cardiac Care Center at the University of Lahore Teaching Hospital (ULTH). We are grateful beyond measure for the support and together, may we inspire others to join us on our journey to conquering Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) in Pakistan. #DiamondPaints
#MisbahUlHaq #MySecondInnings #Misbah
#CHD #ConqueringCHD #CHDAwareness
#PCHF #Donate #Charity #Zakat