Help Us Save A Precious Life
Impoverished Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) affected families in Pakistan go through unimaginable hurdles in the search for treatment. Through your donations, we can ease the anguish caused by the world’s most common birth defect, not only by providing much needed access to world-class treatment options, but also by doing so completely free-of-cost.
Legendary Pakistani cricketer, Misbah Ul Haq, is also alongside us on the journey to conquering CHD in Pakistan, by helping build the nation’s first dedicated, state-of-the-art Children’s Heart Hospital & Research Institute (CHHRI), as a PCHF Board Member.
You can donate towards children’s heart surgeries or hospital construction at:
#PlayYourPartSaveLittleHearts #MySecondInnings
#CHD #CHDAwareness #ConqueringCHD #1in100
#Hero4HeartKids #CHDCare4Life #ACHD
#Cardiology #Cardiovascular #Pediatric