He returned home healthy and stable
Mansoor is 2 years old and lives in Dera Ismail Khan. While a charming child, Mansoor was very pale and had bulging and distended fingernails. He was diagnosed with a heart condition known as Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). TOF is a disease that occurs at birth. It can usually be diagnosed very early at birth. Even though TOF is one of the most common congenital heart diseases in children in Pakistan, it is not diagnosed early because of lack of awareness and resources.
Mansoor is a child, like many in Pakistan, who has the possibility of leading a complete and healthy life just through one surgery. However, his father having a very restricted income, this seems impossible for him to give his son the treatment he deserves. Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation became his saving grace for funding his surgery. Mansoor’s surgery was successful. His post-operative follow-up echo, also covered by PCHF, was also clear. He returned home healthy and stable.