Ayesha Noor: A 3-Year-Old CHD Warrior
‘History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.’ Nelson Mandela
Since inception in 2012, Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation (PCHF) has helped 2358 children get heart surgery. This is the remarkable success story of the young and brave little 3-year-old, Ayesha Noor, with PCHF. At such a tender age, Ayesha was diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) known as Tetralogy Of Fallot (TOF). Her parents were absolutely devastated and couldn’t imagine a life without her. They were desperate to save the precious life of their child.
In TOF, four related heart defects change the way blood flows to the lungs and through the heart. It is repaired through open-heart surgery soon after birth or later in infancy. In most cases of TOF, too little blood goes to the lungs. This low-oxygen blood then circulates to the rest of the body, and too little oxygen reaches the body tissues. Babies with TOF often have cyanosis, a blue or purple tint to the baby’s skin, lips and fingernails.
PCHF provides the highest quality of care for children with heart disease, irrespective of their financial means. Each year around 60,000 children are born with CHD in Pakistan, and a large majority of these children are unable to get the treatment required due to lack of facilities, personnel and the high costs involved. That is where PCHF steps in.
Ayesha Noor’s family brought her to PCHF from the outskirts of Lahore, with tremendously high hopes, looking to end their enormous plight. Ayesha’s father, Muhammad Adnan, works as a labourer, and his wife, Samia Adnan, is a housewife. Thankfully, their prayers were answered as their child’s surgery was scheduled through a swift, smooth and extremely efficient process. The surgery was blessedly a success, and after a few days in the hospital under the special care of our brilliant team of healthcare professionals, Ayesha was discharged. Adnan and Samia are now proud parents of a CHD warrior.
You can donate towards children’s heart surgeries or hospital construction at:
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